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Week 18/2/13 – 24/2/13

Monday 18/2

Strict Press; 3×5 @30,32,35,32,35kg. Good. 32kg is getting more comfortable. Only got 2 reps on each of the 35kg sets.

Complex 1;

1) Dumbbell Snatch; 3×10 @20kg. Good.

2) Bent Over Rows; 3×8 @30,30,40kg. Good.

Complex 2;

1) Face Pulls; 4×12 @15kg. Good. Keep elbows up, shoulders back.

2) Cuban Press; 4×8 @10kg. Good. Was tough to do.

Tempo Sit Ups; 2×15. Tempo – 3,0×1. Good, easy.

Cable External Rotations; 3×8-10 @5kg. Good, got 10 reps on all.

Tuesday 21/2

Aerobics Session;

3 sets –

8 Power cleans @40kg, 45kg, 45kg.

Run 400m after each power clean set. @90% effort.

Good. Cleans got harder in the 3rd set. Started to lose form.

3 sets –

8 Front Squats @45kg, 50kg, 55kg.

Run 400m after each set of squats. @90% effort.

Good, squats were supposed to be heavier. Found the squats more mentally challenging that physically at this point.

3 sets –

20 Burpee broad jumps.

Good, breathing was only slightly out of control at the end of each set of 20, but soon recovered.

Saturday 23/2

Trained with the guys and girls at Base in Tuggeranong.

1) Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch + 2x OHS. 6×2. Light weight here, only to correct technique. 40kg bar. Good.

Things to work on –  keep out over the bar for longer to load up and utilise ham strings. Keep lats engaged throughout the entire pull. Keep bar in closer to chest. Pull the bar all the way up and over my head. Keep eyes up. Keep weight on heels and outside of feet.

2) Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean. 6×2. Moderate weight on this one – 60kg bar.

Things to work on. Similar things during the pull to snatch (keep bar close, load hammies etc). Use fast elbows to get under the bar faster. Push chest under the bar fast also.

3) Push Jerk. 6,5,4,3,3. 50kg bar. Good.

Things to work on. Keep elbows still (don’t let elbows drop) during the dip & drive. Keep core locked and stable. Land with hips slightly back.

Sunday 24/2

1 Arm Dumbbell Press; 3×10 @20kg. Started on 17.5kg since shoulders were feeling stiff. 1×10 @17.5. Both other sets @20kg were for 5 reps only (each side).

Diamond Hold Push Ups; 4×10. Good, fairy easy.

Snatch Cluster; 5,5,3,3,1. (x2). @20kg. Good. Fairly neat snatching. Worked on keeping tight through pull (lats) Also tried to keep bar close and pushing under bar as fast as possible.


15 Pullups

15 Squats

9 Pullups

9 Squats

12 Pullups

12 Squats


Squats were air squats – easy. Pull Ups were challenging, something maybe i need to work on and get better at.

Week 4/2/13 – 10/2/13

Tuesday 5/2

‘ytw’ shoulder warm up.

Strict Press; 5×5(x3). @25,25,30,25,30 Kg’s. Good. Got 2 full sets @30kg. Rest of the sets @30kg were partial in the second round. All of the last round was at 25kg. Felt better and stronger than last week. Gaining confidence with my shoulder pressing again. 

Complex 1;

1) Dumbbell Snatch; 3×10 @12.5kg. Good.

2) Wide Grip Upright Rows; 3×8-12 @20kg. Good. Tried to do them as strict as i could, still used some hips though.

Complex 2;

1) Dumbbell Front Raises; 3×10 @7.5kg. Tempo – 1,3×0 Good. Tried hard to keep it at tempo. Tough though.

2) Seated Side Lateral Raises; 3×10 @ same weight as #1. Couldn’t do them at 7.5, stepped it back to 6kg.

Tempo Sit Ups; 2×12 – 3,0×1.  Easy.

Cable External Rotations; 4×10 @7.5kg. Good.

Thursday 7/2

Standing 1 Arm Dumbbell Press; 3×10 @12.5kg. Good. 12.5kg is a good weight for these. They are a challenge for the last couple of reps of the sets, but not too much that i sacrifice form.

Hand Release Push Ups; 4×15. Good. Fairly easy.

Clean and Jerk Clusters; 5×5 (x3). Started on 40kg (last weeks best). Got 3 sets of first round at 40kg with reasonable form, then 2 sets of the second round at 40kg. Much better than last week. Couldn’t get the 3rd round, was gassed.. Still a much better improvement over last week. Tough workout, but had a lot more confidence with these this week.

Wide Grip Pull Ups; 4×12. Tough. Had to rest during each set briefly. Did as many as i could as strict, then kipped the rest.

Sunday 10/2

Had to work saturday, so shifted my aerobics session to sunday and did it at my gym.

1) Back Squats; 8×2 @70kg. Fast (speed squats). Good, easy really.

Here’s a video i made.

2) WoD;

Glenn made this one up, its based on the 12 days of christmas he told me.

1 x  power Clean @40kg,

2 x Push Press’ @15kg,

3 x Deadlifts @40kg,

4 x Bicep Curls @15kg,

5 x High Pulls @40kg,

6 x Bent Over Rows @40kg,

7 x Front Squats @40kg,

8 x Thrusters @40kg,

9 x Burpees,

10 x Kettle Bell Swings @16kg (biggest my gym has)

11 x medicine ball squats – used a 20kg plate as this gym’s biggest ball is 6kg.

All up it took about 5 minutes to complete this, as you can see though i didn’t rush it, I have a video for this one as well.