Blog Archives

Week 4/2/13 – 10/2/13

Tuesday 5/2

‘ytw’ shoulder warm up.

Strict Press; 5×5(x3). @25,25,30,25,30 Kg’s. Good. Got 2 full sets @30kg. Rest of the sets @30kg were partial in the second round. All of the last round was at 25kg. Felt better and stronger than last week. Gaining confidence with my shoulder pressing again. 

Complex 1;

1) Dumbbell Snatch; 3×10 @12.5kg. Good.

2) Wide Grip Upright Rows; 3×8-12 @20kg. Good. Tried to do them as strict as i could, still used some hips though.

Complex 2;

1) Dumbbell Front Raises; 3×10 @7.5kg. Tempo – 1,3×0 Good. Tried hard to keep it at tempo. Tough though.

2) Seated Side Lateral Raises; 3×10 @ same weight as #1. Couldn’t do them at 7.5, stepped it back to 6kg.

Tempo Sit Ups; 2×12 – 3,0×1.  Easy.

Cable External Rotations; 4×10 @7.5kg. Good.

Thursday 7/2

Standing 1 Arm Dumbbell Press; 3×10 @12.5kg. Good. 12.5kg is a good weight for these. They are a challenge for the last couple of reps of the sets, but not too much that i sacrifice form.

Hand Release Push Ups; 4×15. Good. Fairly easy.

Clean and Jerk Clusters; 5×5 (x3). Started on 40kg (last weeks best). Got 3 sets of first round at 40kg with reasonable form, then 2 sets of the second round at 40kg. Much better than last week. Couldn’t get the 3rd round, was gassed.. Still a much better improvement over last week. Tough workout, but had a lot more confidence with these this week.

Wide Grip Pull Ups; 4×12. Tough. Had to rest during each set briefly. Did as many as i could as strict, then kipped the rest.

Sunday 10/2

Had to work saturday, so shifted my aerobics session to sunday and did it at my gym.

1) Back Squats; 8×2 @70kg. Fast (speed squats). Good, easy really.

Here’s a video i made.

2) WoD;

Glenn made this one up, its based on the 12 days of christmas he told me.

1 x  power Clean @40kg,

2 x Push Press’ @15kg,

3 x Deadlifts @40kg,

4 x Bicep Curls @15kg,

5 x High Pulls @40kg,

6 x Bent Over Rows @40kg,

7 x Front Squats @40kg,

8 x Thrusters @40kg,

9 x Burpees,

10 x Kettle Bell Swings @16kg (biggest my gym has)

11 x medicine ball squats – used a 20kg plate as this gym’s biggest ball is 6kg.

All up it took about 5 minutes to complete this, as you can see though i didn’t rush it, I have a video for this one as well.